May 27, 2013

The End


MineCore has not reached it's end. It is up again. The download was deleted. Have fun again! The server will stay up again. (This means you can ignore the next paragraph about the server ending :P)

MineCore has reached it's end. The server will not be up. The reason for this is not going to be specified in the post. The owner is moving to MineLife (Imagine Nation server). However, if you still wish to continue using the MineCore world (for your server or single player), you may download it and/or all server files at

May 25, 2013

New Side Server (Vanilla)

A new side server has been created for MineCore. It is a Vanilla server for adventure maps. Players are allowed to go on and play different adventure maps at any time it is up. One thing is that the new Vanilla server may have a lot of downtime. I'll try to make sure it is up throughout most of the day with some good adventure map. The maps may be reloaded occasionally. The MOTD (Message of The Day) for the side server will be a colored message with the name/title of the adventure map. Have fun :D

May 11, 2013

New Plugin : RecipeManager

A new plugin has been added to MineCore! It is RecipeManager. With this plugin there are new crafting recipes that you can use to craft items in different ways or new items. All the recipes will be listed on the "Recipes" page soon. Have fun!