

Our administrators work hard and volunteer some of their time to help keep MineCore a growing community and server. They spend time working on the server. All this hard work is done because we all want the MineCore server and community to be great and welcoming for everyone!

List of MineCore's current staff


- Minecraft1415926 (~Mine) (
- SmartFlyngWarior (~Smart or ~SmartFlyingWarrior)
- Shadowsolx (~Sol)


- cpa_98 (~Waffle)
- FerfyDerf (~Ferf)
- TheBrickBuilder (~Builder or ~TheBuilder)
- RedNXT (~Imagine or ~ImagineMan)
- Sacha862 (~Sacha)
- RobotMaker12 (~Robot)

Do you want to be an admin/mod for MineCore?

If this is something that interests you, you will need to complete an application and send it to the owner by email. The owner's email address is

This is a serious thing that must be answered throuroughly and honestly. The MineCore admin team will be very selective about who they choose to add to our team of administrators. This is to ensure that we only have admins who will be responsible and do exactly as they are supposed to. If you are selected to be a new admin on our team, you must do all the responsibilities we ask and follow all our rules and terms. If you do not agree, don't be an administrator for MineCore. If you don't follow rules and terms, you will be removed from our team of admins and you will never be allowed to apply for admin again. We are very selective and serious about choosing admins. After filling out the application, send it to and wait for response from our admin team and the owner.

Moderator Application

Before applying for Mod you must qualify for the following. If you do not qualify for all of the following, you will need to follow rules and be a good player for a longer time before qualifying to become a Mod. After sending the application to the owner, he will reply with the terms and conditions. (The terms and conditions may later be placed in this page rather than being sent by email)
- You have played on MineCore for at least 1 month
- You are in the Trusted rank
- You have been following the rules
- You have been trustworthy to other players
- You can answer ALL questions to your full honesty
- You know of at least 5 players in the Trusted rank who think you should be a Mod (These 3 players will be interviewed after you send the application as an email to the owner.)
- And you are ready to be interviewed after you qualify and have sent the Mod application as an email to the owner

After you qualify for all of the above, you must answer ALL of the questions below and email them to In the email, you must include your Minecraft username and answer with correct grammar, capitalization, spelling and punctuation. Emails that do not have the above will be ignored. After the email, the current Mods and Admins will agree if we should have a vote on having the player become Mod. If at least half the server votes yes then that player becomes a Mod. If you do not follow rules and conditions as a Mod you will be demoted to the Trusted rank and possibly punished.

[1] - Why do you think you should be a Mod?

[2] - How do you think other players would feel if you became a Mod?

[3] - Who are the 3 (or more) players who believe that you should be a Mod and what are their reasons and thoughts about this?

[4] - Have you ever been punished on MineCore? (Mute, Jail, TempBan, etc.)

[5] - Do you think anyone on MineCore ever had negative thoughts about you?

[6] - Have you ever broken any rules that you weren't punished for?

[7] - Have you ever griefed or trolled (on any server) when it wasn't allowed?

[8] - Have you ever been banned or punished on another server? (Other than MineCore)

[9] - What do you think you can do to improve yourself on the server?

[10] - Are you sure that you are ready to become a Moderator of MineCore and you are ready to read and agree to the terms? (If you disagree then you won't become a Mod)

[11] - Do you understand that being a Moderator is RESPONSIBILITY and a PRIVILEGE, not a right?

[12] - Are you sure that you completely answered all your answers to your full honesty, you are ready to agree with the terms and conditions, and you understand that there will be consequences if you do not follow the terms and conditions?